Friday, August 1, 2014

I'm Starting the Whole30!!

Hello readers! I still have readers?? Hello...anyone out there??? (echo...echo...echo...) I know it's been a long time since I've posted, but I have a really exciting announcement! (Depending on your definition of exciting, of course!)

Yup! Today is day one! My husband and I have been feeling very bogged down lately. We are not in good physical or mental shape, and we decided that our life really needed an overhaul. This was our solution!

If you aren't familiar with the Whole30, you can read about it on their website here. But to put it in simple terms, it's basically a 30 day elimination diet to help heal and reset your body. You eat only what can be hunted and gathered (meat, seafood, veggies, fruit, healthy fats from nuts and seeds, etc.) You can not eat any breads, grains, dairy, legumes, added sugar, soy, alcohol, or pretty much all the stuff that my diet consisted of before starting this. I miss ice cream already!

One of the most difficult things I've come across in preparing for these 30 days is finding compliant meals that are easy enough and familiar enough for me to actually cook and actually want to eat. I am not very good in the kitchen, so an easy to cook meal is a must!

I plan on posting as much as I can to showcase what my family has eaten for the day while on this diet. I hope that it will be helpful and informative, and give any of you out there that want to try this diet a boost of self confidence! Because trust me...if I can do it, anyone can do it! Now I just hope that I'm not eating those words later haha!

To help prepare for this month, I made my very first meal plan ever! Complete with breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks! It was not easy, but I was very proud of myself!

One of the tips for being successful on the Whole30 is to clear your kitchen of any non-compliant food so that you're not tempted to fall back into your old ways. I didn't throw anything away, but I did hide stuff, and I still have some non-compliant snacks and drinks (like milk) around for my toddler.

Here is a before and after of my refrigerator and pantry. After I cleaned everything out, and then after grocery shopping!

I honestly didn't realize how much crap (forgive my language but there's really no other way to describe it!) my family had been eating until I had to clear out my kitchen. It makes me so sad! But also so happy that we have decided to take on the challenge of the Whole30!

I have a feeling this is going to be a difficult journey for both myself and my husband, but I know that we owe it to ourselves and our family to take better care of the bodies we've been entrusted with. After all, you only get one!

I hope you'll follow us on this journey, and find our experience helpful! Make sure to subscribe to this blog to stay up to date!

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